Day 1 - Saturday, October 12th

9 L's of LeadershipChief Corley Moore

The mission of the class is to give people the tools they need to build a high-performance culture within their organization. I am extremely passionate about this, and I believe that understanding these principles can challenge anyone, anywhere to improve the culture of their Department. The presentation is broken down into nine principles of leadership all of which start with the letter "L". Learn, Listen, Love, Look, Laugh, Level, Live, Labor, Last. The ultimate point of the class is to provide them with the single greatest tool that I can give to someone in a leadership role, and that is a lens by which you can judge every decision around the firehouse... before you make it. (I say firehouse on purpose... not fireground)

Building the Team that Everyone Wants to JoinChief Dennis Reilly

Success on the emergency scene is directly tied to the environment and culture at the firehouse. Whereas many feel these are 30,000 feet macro issues relegated to the fire chief, all ranks can play a role on the development of the team. This lecture will present simple, actionable steps to ensure that the time you spend in the firehouse supports the service delivery your community expects. Among the topics to be discussed are the elements of a positive culture, the does and don’ts of expectations, the role and impact of training, and several other important topics.

Day 2 - Sunday, October 13th

Fire Service Mortar: The Critical Role of the Company OfficerCaptain Jarrod Sergi

This program is designed to be a no-nonsense approach to company officer leadership. No theory here, just realistic, and practical ways proven to build an effective group of performers within your team. I will bring previous military experience as well as experience in my current role to reinforce the importance of unit cohesion and how to achieve it. We will talk about team building and relationships, conflict management, accountability and more. This class is meant to inspire action and produce results in your company and your department. You will be given tools today to make immediate change tomorrow.

Catching Fire: Sport and Performance Psychology for Firefighters' Performance and Wellbeing.Professor Alessandro Quartiroli

Sport and performance psychology can play an important role in supporting firefighters in their services. Firefighters frequently encounter intense, unpredictable environments where their performance can significantly impact lives and property, and sport and performance psychology may equip them with skills to handle high-stress, high-stakes situations effectively. By applying principles from sport and performance psychology, firefighters may be able to enhance their ability to overcome and manage these challenging situations individually and as a team. Integrating these techniques into their daily routines may help firefighters maintain peak performance, manage stress, and sustain their overall well-being, contributing to their readiness to face the demands of their profession. During this workshop, participants will be introduced to sports and performance psychology principles, focusing on how they can be effectively integrated into daily firefighting services, and to a few practical techniques they may integrate into their daily services. We will conclude the workshop by reflecting on how the attendees may be able to bring what was discussed during the workshop back to their stations and teams.

Step 1: Attendee Information

Step 2: Lecture - Day #1

Step 3: Lecture - Day #2


Step 4: Waiver & Policies

Notification of registration cancellation and refund requests must occur no later than September 21st, 2024. No refund requests are possible after this deadline unless your spot can be filled by someone on a waitlist.

You can transfer your registration to someone else up to three days prior to the event.
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