Instructor Line Up

David HagemanProfessionalism, Purpose, and Performance in the Fire Service

Chief Hageman shares his experiences from his research, the Army, athletics, coaching and the fire service. He discusses the value of mental performance techniques to enhance a firefighter’s professionalism, identify individual purpose, and increase personal performance to better themselves, their crew and the community they serve.

Craig StalowyReignite Resilience: Ketamine and Polyvagal Theory for High-Performing Firefighters And Their Mental Health

In this transformative session, we will explore the synergistic power of Ketamine therapy and Polyvagal Theory in revitalizing the mental health and performance of firefighters. Discover how these cutting-edge approaches can help combat depression, reduce the impact of trauma, and restore emotional balance. Through my real life battle you'll gain a deeper understanding of how Ketamine and Polyvagal Theory work together to rekindle the flame of resilience within firefighters, enabling them to excel in their demanding profession. Join us to learn how these innovative strategies can bring you back to peak performance and promote mental well-being in the firefighting community.

Chris JamesThe Senior Firefighter

An in depth look and discussion on what the Senior Firefighter is and their position in the company. Leading and following from the backstep. A dissection of the strategic and tactical importance of the Senior Firefighter on the fireground and in the firehouse. Being a Senior Firefighter is not about seniority, it’s about the attention to detail and the minute intricacies of the job day-in and day-out. The Senior Firefighter is the backbone of our fire service culture.

Keynote Lecture Series: Friday, October 4th

Kenny HayesThe 26 year Probie: Maintaining the Probie Mindset

Each new role, rank, or position can be attacked with the mindset that I must first prove my worth. This is accomplished only through action. Every new firehouse, or even shift, is an opportunity to reapply yourself and set in motion the steps to succeed"
This class is my evolving approach and thought process to be better. Taking lessons learned, from both work and home and applying them to all aspects of the job

Justin McWilliamsRescue Decisions: Plan A to Medical

Our most successful rescues are performed by firefighters that started working through the the scenario, before they were toned out to the life or death situation they faced. Every rescue we have, had dozens of decisions that were made that either improved our citizens outcome or decreased their likelihood of making it out alive. The outcome of life or death is not how we determine  a successful rescue performance, it’s our preparation and decisions that make it a success or not. This lecture will take us through two rescues and the decisions that were made. We will work through decisions that we will have to make at each branch of a rescue, from location of our civilian, to being in medical’s hands.

Tim KlettThe Company Level Officer. “Lessons in Leadership and the Keys to Success”

This class is geared to new and aspiring company officers and will discuss the traits and charactoristics which every successful officer must strive to obtain. It will cover the importance of true leadership and discuss how that will transform the newly promoted firefighter into a trusted company officer. Conversely, decisiveness is an important quality that can make, or destroy, an officer. This course will cover the decision-making process for a myriad of firehouse and fire-ground issues and how a quality officer reaches those decisions. We will also discuss training, discipline and personnel issues which company level officers can and will face on almost a daily basis.
Becoming a trusted company officer takes time, dedication, sacrifice and hard work. But that is the price that leaders pay for their subordinates and their companies. This class will assist the firefighter in their transition to company officer and guide them in their path to leadership.

Two Day HOT Classes: October 5th - 6th

Refined By Fire: Forcible EntryBrothers In Battle

We will be performing forcible entry work and making GRABS under live fire, heat and smoke conditions.

This class is about Refining your forcible entry skills and putting them to the test, buying back time and putting THEM first!
Those 3 elements even just individually, but even more so altogether will test, refine, humble and force you to take an honest look at your preparation, your skills set and ability to answer the call when you’re in anger mode (under stress).
We MUST: Mask Up Quickly, NO EXCUSES! Make the Force, NOT EXCUSES! Make the GRAB, NOT EXCUSES!

Refining our MASK up skills
Dirty Drags and victim removals from main paths of egress
Prioritizing the first interior size up of LIFE, FIRE & LAYOUT
1 & 2 FF Inward opening doors
1 & 2 FF Outward opening doors
Limited access / dead end hallways
Bottom of the stairs
Limited / Zero visibility forcible entry
Additional leverage / limited Tools
*Wood Jamb / Baseball Bat swing technique if necessary prop available
Saw work to include Limited to Zero visibility SAW work on the exterior and interior

Live Fire Survival and Rapid InterventionHardin, Young, & Hayes

A mayday situation is the most stressful and impactful event a firefighter can face.  Well-intentioned instructors on the bay floor and salesmen on the show floor teach and demonstrate a plethora of techniques that look like winners in these sterile environments.  But will those techniques hold up to the stress and conditions of the moment?  This two day survival and rapid intervention class is designed to engage the participant in a visceral way.  By sharing drills and techniques learned from real world survival situations, rapid intervention rescues, and line of duty deaths; students will move from basic techniques to dynamic scenarios that are pulled from actual events.  Students will leave with tangible survival and rapid intervention skills that can be used on the job and shared with company and department members.  Emphasis will be placed on creating realistic conditions giving participants a glimpse of what it may be like to use these skills on the street.

Rescue 4 OperationsRope Access For The Rescuer

Rope rescue in the fire service has evolved at a staggering pace over the last decade. New equipment, unique challenges and integration of rope access techniques are emerging nationwide. Rescue 4 Operations is offering a HOT class dedicated to Rope Access for the Rescuer. The pace of the class will be structured for the intermediate to advanced rescuer. The student will get the full benefit of the instruction having a background in the fundamentals of rope rescue prior to the class.
Topics covered;
Personal rope skills
Vertical and lateral movement on rope
Managing victims with obstacles
Cross hauls and transfer stations
Constructing anchor frames/directional frames on rope
Various pickoff techniques
Scenario based problem solving

One day class: Available October 5th and 6th

Tim KlettEngine Company Operations "Stretching and Operating"

This grass roots course will cover Engine company operations in stretching and operating the critical first line and will cover all the positions of the first due Engine. The Engine Officers responsibilities, before during and after a working fire. An in-depth look at the Nozzle firefighters Duties of stretching, advancing and operating the nozzle. It will stress the importance of a well-trained backup man. It will also cover the door fire fighter’s position. This course will also cover the simple tools any well-trained Engine firefighter should carry during everyday activities. It will also cover how the nozzle team should react to different fire ground emergencies. The success of every operation depends on a well-trained determined company. This back to basics no nonsense course will take you through the right steps to complete this mission. This course with also take an in-depth look at stretching and operating the 2 ½” hand line in the event the fire, the building or the situation calls for large amounts of water applied rapidly.

Irons and LaddersTruck Academy

This is a one-day HANDS ON class. The morning is spent on the drill ground honing truck company fireground tasks and skills. Participants will be placed in groups and practice search priority and techniques, outside vent (OV) duties, VES operations, ladder packages and deployments, and forcible entry. The afternoon is entirely evolution-based. Participants will put their skills to practice in numerous building fire scenarios. Participants will sit in multiple seats on each apparatus and run multiple different evolutions. Each evolution is designed to challenge the participants to make decisions regarding hoseline placement, search, ventilation, VES, forcible entry, and ground ladders.

Rock Firefighter FundamentalsStandpipe Operations in the Residential Mid Rise

This one-day course will focus on the challenges the first arriving engine company will face when combating fires in mid rise residential buildings. As our response districts continue to grow, the common theme is more multi-story, standpipe equipped residential buildings. The first arriving engine company must have a solid understanding of how to effectively place the first attack line and quickly get water on the fire. During this course, students will get hands on experience connecting to standpipes, deploying high rise hose bundles, flowing and moving hose lines and having tactical decision-making discussions.

The HighwaymenCoast 2 Coast: Rooftop Workshop

This is a vertical ventilation class that presents fireground roof operations from all over the country, along with the context to make the information broadly applicable to anyone, anywhere. We’re not out there dropping bombshells or revolutionary ideas; we’re just handing over a lot of small things that can build to make a big impact. We bring together a mindset, some basic operations and a whole lot of passion to deliver the kind of class we would want to take ourselves.

Chris JamesExtrication Best Practices – From the Urban Environment to the Rural Setting

Participants will learn and train on the most up to date techniques in extrication. The processes and skills taught follow best practices in any setting. Whether you are a volunteer firefighter in the country or an urban firefighter on a heavy rescue, this class will teach you how to size up and begin operations that are quick and efficient with any staffing model.

Discount Information:

Two Days of HOT - $300
Lecture + Two Days of HOT - $350
Two Days of Lecture + Two Days of HOT - $400

Step 1: Attend Thursday Keynote Lecture Series

Step 2: Attend Friday Keynote Lecture Series

Step 3: Pick your two day class

  • Brothers In Battle

  • Hardin, Young, & Hayes.

  • Rescue 4 Operations

Step 4: Pick your Saturday class

  • Tim Klett

  • Irons & Ladders

  • Rock Firefighter Fundamentals

  • The Highwaymen

  • Chris James

Step 5: Pick your Sunday class

  • Tim Klett

  • Irons and Ladders

  • Rock Firefighter Fundamentals

  • The Highwaymen

  • Chris James


Step 6: Tell us who you are

Step 7: Read and sign the legal stuff

Notification of registration cancellation and refund requests must occur no later than 6 weeks prior to the event. No refund requests are possible after this deadline unless your spot can be filled by someone on a waitlist.

You can transfer your registration to someone else up to 24 hours prior to the event.

Almost done. Where should we send the confirmation?

RegFox Event Registration Software